I like to think of this blog as the perfect medium for sharing recipes and stories, and for updating my friends and family who live far away. I realize at it's core, it's a vanity project, but I hope that I never come across as an "It's all about me" type of person. Tonight, I need to use my little audience to get the word out about a family in need.
Recently, I learned that one of the women in my office-one of my closest friend's assistants-is facing an unthinkable family crisis. Brenda Finken's husband, Mike, has recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that has metastasized to his liver. You can visit the Finken Family Website to learn more about Mike's battle and how you can help the family-even if it's just a prayer or a positive thought. Brenda and Mike have four wonderful sons, which makes this illness that much more devastating.
If you have the ability, please send a donation via Paypal. Mike's paid time off went fast, as you can imagine, and Brenda is staying home to care for him and the family. Anything you can do to help the Finkens will be much appreciated.
I'm so grateful for the wonderful feedback I get from friends near and far, in real life and on the Internet, for this little blog. Thank you all for reading, and please keep the Finkens in your thoughts and prayers during the holidays and as Mike continues to fight his illness.