Dear Mario and Annelise,
On December 17th, you officially became teenagers. As usual, this post is tardy. Having a birthday that falls smack dab in the middle of the holiday season virtually insures that your celebration will be either overlooked or muted. My apologies for delivering you a full month early. Let the record show-your original due date was in fact, January 11th-so in a sense, I'm actually right on time with this post!
I'm always amazed when a parent of several children tells me that they have a favorite child. I can't comprehend such blatant and cruel favoritism. I love all three of you in such different ways, how could I claim to love one of you more than the other? Alex is my oldest, I identify with him because I am a firstborn. He and I had two and a half years together before you twins came into our world. Annelise, you are my only daughter, my salvation in a household of men and biologically the child I identify with the most. Mario, you are my baby. To be sure, only by two minutes, but you are my baby. You and I are most alike in temperament and in our culinary tastes. So, never fear children, I could never choose one of you to be my favorite. I love each of you so completely and so uniquely that I could never make that choice.
You started junior high this year. I would love to report that it was a smooth transition, but we all know it's been a little rough. Hopefully, you'll hit your stride after Christmas break and all will be well. You both look the part of teenagers now, that's for sure. Each of you has sprouted up several inches in the last few months. Annelise, your body is showing girlish curves now and you've taken a greater interest in fashion and makeup. Mario, your growth spurt resulted in a slimming effect and I'm startled whenever I look at the lean young man with peach fuzz on his face. I don't know what happened to those two little critters who let me dress them in coordinating outfits and spoke to each other in a language foreign to everyone but each other.
You know one of the things I love the most about you two? Your fabulous sense of humor. I love how you guys can't wait to tell me about a funny new episode of Spongebob and how you're rediscovering one of my favorite sitcoms from the 90's, Wings. Sitting on the couch and laughing withyou guys is one of the greatest feelings in the world. Conversely, getting the two of you to pose for a photo without mugging for the camera continues to be a challenge.
In defense of my tardy post, this was the first Christmas in years where I was able to spend a lot of quality time with you guys. The holidays fell conveniently on days that allowed me to spread out my remaining vacation time and be with you almost entirely during the season. I loved it and it was a real benefit to recharge my mental battery. I went back to work last week and came out swinging.
I keep waiting for the teenage years to turn ugly, or at least for you to decide that you would much rather be with your friends than your boring old mom and step-dad. Luckily for us, that hasn't happened yet. My fondest wish is that you will never tire of me, and will value our time together as much as I do. You're still generous with hugs and kisses, in spite of your advancing adolescence and I'll never refuse that physical affection.
I know I'm lucky when other people remark on how well behaved you are, and how clever your sense of humor is. We lunched with a woman from work recently, and I laughed when she volunteered to babysit for you if I ever needed the favor. Fortunately, we're well past that stage and you've both expressed an interest in providing that service yourselves. Perhaps you can start with the new little boy/girl twins across the street! Always when I see our neighbors, little Alex and Sophie, I wish that I remembered much more of your infancy and toddlerhood. This is the burden of mothers of multiples, we suffer vast memory lapses as a result of chronic sleep deprivation, constant over-stimulation and utter exhaustion. Some moments, of course, are best forgotten though.
Good times. {{{shudder}}}
But there are other days that I hold close in my heart, and when I allow myself to think past the cases of Huggies and Similac, I long for one more chance to kiss those fat little cheeks and thighs of yesteryear. I love you, Twins.