Dear Winter,
Apparently you didn't get the memo that yesterday was the first day of spring. I may even have overlooked the significance of the date, but the Google banner served as a nice reminder. With that in mind, I'd like to know just what the hell is going on here.
Come on! Easter is in two days! I was going to go out and buy the ham today!
Listen, I am sure you serve a purpose. I don't know what exactly that purpose is after Christmas, but I'm positive it's an important function nonetheless. It's probably so that we don't have mosquitoes year round here in Minnesota. I'm okay with that, I really am. But I think you've just gone a little over the top this year. Normally, you'll give us a respite in the form of a January or February thaw. Not in 2008. Your attitude was obvious when you cackled, "You'll have to wait until March, bitches!"
So,uh, let's just call this your last hurrah-hmm? I think you're needed at the North Pole, or Antarctica. Iceland? Why don't you just go ahead and give the penguins and polar bears the weather they're better suited to? I would like to start making plans for my garden, and filling up my pots with flowers and mowing the lawn. I'm really tired of waking up in the morning, looking out the window and feeling like I belong in this montage
We'll see each other again soon enough. Hey, October isn't much more than six months away. Remember that Halloween blizzard from about ten years ago? Ha ha, good times. Sure, save your strength for another little prank like that you old trickster, you. In the meantime, I've got that iceberg in the center of the cul de sac and the mountains of snow in commercial parking lots to remind me of you for the next month.