I picked up a nasty bug from Annelise over the weekend. I thought I was fighting it off on Saturday, but it knocked me on my ass yesterday and today. Constant sneezing, chronic cough and a throbbing headache. FUN. For your amusement, some observations from my sick bed.
I'm very grateful to the apothecaries at Bigelow for their wonderful Mentha Lip Shine.
My lips are dry and cracked from constant mouth breathing-it's every bit as attractive as it sounds. I'm only enjoying sporadic functionality of my taste buds, even though I've been downing bowls of hot and sour soup from my neighborhood Chinese takeout and gallons of hot tea.
You would think from the hundreds of channels of programming I pay dearly for each month, there would be better choices. You would be wrong. I started the day with a weepfest during an episode of The Learning Channel's "A Baby Story." Manipulative sons of bitches. How can you watch that show and not burst into tears as the baby finally arrives? Aforementioned weeping only made the congestion worse. More hot tea.
Fortunately, it was time to take a nap on my exquisitely uncomfortable couch. I was awakened by the alert that Mrs. G's my secret boyfriend, Anthony Bourdain's journey to Los Angeles was on. I felt much better after watching Tony insult Rachael Ray. Next, I caught the second half of one of my all time favorite movies, Pee Wee's Big Adventure. Even though I've seen it dozens of times, it still entertains me. Watching it this afternoon though, I've come up with a groundbreaking hypothesis. I believe that these two guys
were in fact separated at birth. Or, that could be the Claritin talking.