We got about eight inches of snow on Saturday. I happen to love snow from the end of December to January 2nd. Anything after the New Year is a nuisance, and part of Minnesota life that is to be endured. Forget the Farmer's Almanac, Amy the Mom is predicting that the mountain at the center of her cul de sac will be there until April.
Yeah. It's going to be one of those years. Get used to using those shovel muscles, girls! I've had to make a couple gallons of hot chocolate to pay for the shoveling services rendered. (a bargain!)
During one of Mario's conferences back in the first grade, he was asked to make a booklet of his favorite things. I've never forgotten what he listed as his favorite sound-boots crunching through the snow. If you're from a temperate climate, that probably doesn't sound right to you-you think snow is fluffy and silent, but if you're used to bitter cold weather you know exactly what he's talking about. As the temperature plummets below freezing, the snow on sidewalks and streets actually sounds crunchy as you tread over it. I thought it was pretty cool that a six year old noticed something like that.