Okay, it started out looking like this...
and now it looks like this...
and this...
This is Annelise's leg after three days of antibiotics, and topical cortisone cream. I'm trying my hand at an Internet diagnosis and of course, scaring myself in the process. Anyone know anything about bed bugs? What the bites look like, allergic reactions? That's the closest match I could find to her condition, though I can't find evidence of any here. The red patch on her left leg has doubled in size since Saturday, in spite of the Cephalex and frequent administrations of cream.
Update-a friend in Chicago called and suggested it could possibly be oak leaf gall mite, or itch mite. Apparently they had a...forgive the pun...rash of outbreaks there this summer. Two doctors here are stumped, waiting to get into a dermatologist. Any feedback is welcome!