At this point, I can only squeeze 14 blogs onto the blogroll. Because my little vanity project has recently led me to some brilliant places on the web (shouting out to you Mrs. G!), I intend to figure that pesky bastard out. At some point, I bumped the brilliant movie review site, Pajiba, off for another site that had won my favor, but it's still my go to blog if I want to know whether to spend two hours of my life and many of my dollars on a film.
Yesterday, critic Dustin Rowles called on the commenters to post Three Songs and a Lyric. Permit me to paraphrase, then you play along!
1. What's your ideal wedding song, either the one you played at your wedding or one you'd like to play nuptials someday?
2. What song would you want played at your funeral service?
3. You’re the best relief pitcher in the majors. It’s the bottom of the ninth and you’re about to run out of the bullpen. What’s your anthem? (Think Charlie Sheen in Major League)
4. What are your favorite song lyrics?
Here's my answers:
1. There was no music at my recent marriage, but if there had been a wedding song, I would have picked "Air That I Breathe", but not the Hollies' version. No, I would have selected the Mavericks' version. Raul Malo makes that song all his own, and the operatic notes he holds on to at the end make the hair on your neck stand up.
2. Funeral song-hmmm, either "It Is Well With My Soul" by Dwight Yoakam, or Vivaldi's Concerto in D, which is my favorite piece of music-ever.
3. Anthem-American Woman, Lenny Kravitz version, OR Welcome to the Jungle-one of the greatest opening riffs EVER.
4. Favorite song lyrics- REALLY tough choice, I hate to even commit to one, so here's my top 5 in no particular order:
- Sympathy for the Devil-Rolling Stones (though I could easily log a dozen other offerings from the Glimmer Twins)
- I'll Be Home For Christmas-you could make an entire Christmas mix CD of all the different versions of this song. I love it, probably because since I left home twenty years ago, I can count on one hand the number of times I've actually been home for Christmas.
- Dimming of the Day-Bonnie Raitt sang it, Richard Thompson wrote it. Great wedding song, too.
- Me & The Eagle-Steve Earle. The sparse guitar that accompanies the intro to this song is perfect. It paints the most gorgeous picture.
- In a Little While-U2, another great wedding song.
Your turn!