Well. I am being "interviewed" by one of my blogging heroines...because I asked nicely, and sucked up showered her with adulation. If you're not familiar with Susie Fairchild than I urge you to run, not walk, over to her blog. She is the author of my very favorite post of all time, Booty Flies. Read it, and prepare to weep from the hilarity. I was at work when I first read it, and I was laughing so hard I had to hide behind my office door, covering my mouth and wiping the tears from my face. Trust me, I'm not overselling this post.
1. What's the strangest thing you've ever carried in your purse?
I don't know if it's strange, so much as uncommon. Back when I was an active Realtor, I carried an ultrasonic measuring tape in my purse. It's an easier way to get accurate measurements of rooms and doesn't require two people stretching a metal tape wall to wall.
2. Did anyone give you any really good advice about blending families? Any really bad advice?
Hmmm, good question. I wouldn't say that the transition to step-mom was easy, but it could have been much, much worse. What made our situation simpler was that my kids and Steve's son bonded instantly, and have never referred to each other as step siblings, they're just brothers and sister. If my kids like (love) someone, then generally, I'll embrace them as well. Best advice...don't treat your stepchild as a project, someone you need to "fix." Understand that (in my case) this is a child who lived a life on their terms for 14 years prior to joining your family, and their perspective is completely unique. I haven't really received bad advice, I've only sought support from people that I trust and respect.
3. Your husband wants to give you the gift of the most romantic 24 hours of your life. What does he do?
He sends an interior/exterior cleaning crew to the house while I'm spending the day shopping at the Mall of America, doing my best to spend the balance of a generous gift card. The house is fresh smelling and immaculate when I arrive. Every single piece of dirty laundry has been washed, dried and put away. There aren't any unmatched socks left, either. The pantry and refrigerator have been stocked with week's worth of groceries. I'm then whisked away by chauffeured limousine to have a manicure, pedicure and facial performed at my favorite spa. After a professional makeup artist and hair stylist have their way with me, the limo arrives with Steve in tow and we take the "scenic route" to our favorite restaurant. We arrive home and find that the dogs have been kenneled, and the kids are with Grandma. Steve draws a luxurious bubble bath for me and hands me a warm towel when I've soaked long enough. We retire to our bedroom....and...I guess the rest is really none of your beeswax, now is it?
4. You're very generous with your wonderful recipes. What do you think of those people who won't share a recipe?
Yeaaaaaah, I'm actually one of those people. I'd be hard pressed to give up my cheesecake recipe-it took me years to perfect it and I hope to win a contest with it someday. I'll whip one up for you anytime you ask, but you're not getting the recipe. I would however, trade that recipe for my friend's Date Nut Bread recipe, with the understanding that we'd keep each other's secrets, swear on a stack of bibles.
5. Have you ever had a paranormal/psychic experience?
I can't believe I'm putting this out there on the web, but here goes...Before I threw in the towel on my marriage, (a decision that I did not make without enormous anguish and consideration) I was extremely agitated with my ex-husband. One night, as we were laying in bed, I was trying to make him understand the gravity of our situation. I was angrier than I have ever been in my life before or since, and my head was throbbing from the stress. Our room was completely dark and suddenly, close to the ceiling there was a loud pop-almost like a light bulb burning out when you flick a switch, louder though. But this was accompanied by a blue flash of light, which then streaked away from us and seemed to go through a window on the opposite wall. We both asked, "What the hell was that?!", and my ex hopped out of bed and turned on the overhead light. None of the bulbs were burnt out. He said he was going to the basement to check the circuit box. I sat alone in the bed, my chin resting on my knees, my arms wrapped around my legs. I noticed my headache had completely disappeared. He returned to the room and reported nothing was out of the ordinary as I silently wondered what he was even looking for. We turned off the lights, went back under the covers and never spoke of it again. I think I've told two other people this story in the last eight years-and now it's up for the entire world to see. I did exhaustive searches on the Internet the next day and could never figure out what type of psychic or paranormal phenomenon this was...if anyone has any ideas, feel free to share your knowledge. It's something I've wondered about since. (cue the theme to "The Twilight Zone.") Susie, you're a mental health professional, have you ever heard of such a thing?
Want me to interview you? (Don't everyone ask at once!) Here's the instructions:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me!"
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five