Oddly enough, I was hesitant to write a post about my role as a step-mom and how challenging it can be at times. Steve asked me this morning why I haven't written about the recent drama that has captured our parental attention. I responded that I didn't think he would appreciate it. He felt there was some comic gold to be mined here and while I agreed, I wasn't necessarily interested in upsetting the delicate balance of my relationship with Drew. I decided to run it by my stepson when the conversation could be steered that way.
Later in the day, Steve and I went to retrieve Drew from his job. Drew climbed in the backseat, we asked how his day was and he said it had gone well, but he wondered if I had any "peach colored" makeup at home. Steve and I exchanged glances, looked at Drew in the rear view mirror, and asked simultaneously, "Why?"
We were at a traffic light, and Drew responded, "My boss wants me to cover up THIS," and he turned his head to reveal his neck covered in hickeys.
Now, I'm only 39 years old. I'm a child of the 80's and far from an uptight prude. I wasn't angry, or even surprised, to see the results of Drew's make out session from the previous evening. But what shocked me was the brazen pride he displayed. God. My mom-BOTH my parents- would have killed me if I'd flashed the sucker bites I got back in the day(for the record, it only happened twice and once was with my husband). I rubbed toothpaste on them and threw on a turtleneck-regardless of the weather outside.
I used this opportunity to broach the topic of blogging about Drew and told him his father thought it would be good material. To my surprise, Drew quickly agreed and said "At least it'll be funny then."
Um. Yeah.